Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Trickery and PVC Pipes

Wowwie! Who just finished outlining his entire script? This guy! As I’ve mention before I’m working on 2 feature length scripts. Well since I had lots of down time today, I managed to actually FINISH outlining the rest of my “School” script. I’m quite satisfied with myself. Even though I didn’t want it to be a rom-com, it still has a rom-com feel. I don’t mind it so much because it’s not an ordinary rom-com. Now that I’ve got the outline done, I just have to complete the actual script (which has been at 45 pages for a couple of months now.) Go me!

★I filmed an “It gets better” video last week. I haven’t cut yet because the more I think about it, the more I don’t want to cut it and post it. First of all, I filmed it with my cellphone which isn’t the best quality. Secondly, after looking at other people’s videos, I don’t think mine is that interesting. Mine is funny and less serious then everyone else’s (which actually does make it more interesting) but I’m a rambler. I may have Jason film it for me one day. OH! How cool would it be to have my best friends in the video with me? The 5 of us would do an AWESOME video. Kyle and Jason wouldn’t do it though. But still, that’d be awesome!

★I got to go to the movies to see a regular non screener for the first time since seeing the Sorcerer’s Apprentice in August. We went to see Red because the last Friday (I’m pretending today is Friday and I didn’t forget to write out my week ahead of time like I usually do) Dave, Josh and Rich went to see it and the power went out in the middle of the movie. So, AMC told them if they bring their stubs in, they could see a free movie since they were out of their little rain check things. Well I obviously wasn’t there but that didn’t stop me from telling the guy I lost my stub. BOOM! Free movie for me! And for Dave and Rich. Rich lost his stub and Dave didn’t want to forfeit his. Neither did Josh but, they made us show them at least 1 stub. Free movies are the best movies.

★I was tricked into fixing a little old ladies computer by Dave. I thought maybe he offered to pick me up so we could go to the movie and so I could return an XP disc to him but NO, I’d been had. I’d been took! I’d been hoodwinked! Bamboozled! Led astray! I ended up spending a couple of hours trying to fix his grandmothers computer which led to me reinstalling Windows for her. I got 40 dollars out of the deal and a thank you card. I was really shocked. I didn’t expect to get money out of it. She was sweet.

★On a related note, while Dave was picking me up, he managed to somehow run over a piece of PVC pipe and it get wrapped around his exhaust pipe.

Try to figure this one out. It's a thick piece of plastic and it was IMPOSSIBLE to pull apart despite having a crack in it. Dave eventually had to take a sawzall to it.

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